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About Us
We Are Here For You & Your Business


The National Association for the Advancement of Science & Art in Sexuality (NAASAS) focuses on education and resources for those in the field of sexuality, specifically with a focus on the adult novelty industry. NAASAS provides empowering resources, whether you are selling, manufacturing, or even referring people to use sexual products (adult novelties) to enhance their sexual pleasure and health.

Examples of professionals that belong to our organization are sex experts, sex bloggers, adult home party companies and representatives, adult retailers, adult distributors, sex toy manufacturers, adult legal organizations, sexual health educators, sex therapists, physicians, nurses, and more.

Our collective learning center works for our members by joining forces with other professionals, businesses, and organizations. We provide educational resources that help aspiring and established professionals cultivate and protect their business interests through resources, classes, workshops, webinars, and consulting for specific niches in the field.


Lisa Lawless

Lisa Lawless, Ph.D., CEO
Founder of Holistic Wisdom, Inc. & the National Association for the Advancement of Science & Art in Sexuality (NAASAS)

We offer many FREE resources as well as exclusive benefits such as a social network that allows professionals to receive guidance, explore trends, collaborate, and even promote their own educational services and products. We also work with professionals in promoting nontoxic sexual products from personal lubricants to sex toys.

In addition, NAASAS provides education that focuses on sexual health, business, and legal issues in the adult novelty industry along with sex education. These courses will be offered through certification programs to those wanting to expand their knowledge base.

We also provide a directory of certification programs from other businesses and organizations so that professionals can choose those that best suit their needs as we are a collaborative organization.

Lisa Lawless, Ph.D. is the President and founder of the National Association for the Advancement of Science & Art in Sexuality (NAASAS) and the CEO of Holistic Wisdom, Inc. She is a Psychotherapist who has dedicated over 25 years to therapeutic practice in the mental health field with a sexuality specialization.

In addition, she is an accredited member of The American College of Sexologists International (ACS) and has held membership through The American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT).

Why Join?

Joining Together

NAASAS is an educational association that provides informational resources to those in the adult novelty industry to assist individual professionals in advancing their careers and impacting the adult novelty industry as a whole positively. NAASAS is not a traditional adult trade association. We are not in competition with any other adult trade organization or business. We work with other adult businesses and organizations that serve the adult novelty industry so that through education, adult novelty and sexuality professionals may be empowered. While it is true that an organization that serves professionals within a specific industry can be called a trade association, we are primarily an education focused association.


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