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Sexual Product Testing
Testing Toxicants in Sex Toys

NAASAS strongly believes that sexual product manufacturers have a duty to test their products for toxicants to ensure the health of consumers that use them. That is why we have formed a coalition for safe and nontoxic sexual products, such as personal lubricants and sex toys. Chemicals can adversely affect our health even at low doses and health risks to consumers are something all ethical businesses must address. In addition, the need for safety seal packaging by sex toy manufacturers to prevent the resale of used sex toys is imperative for the prevention of STDs and other health risks. Learn more about the NAASAS Safe Sexual Products Campaign.

A lab that can test your sexual products is called Polymer Solutions Incorporated (PSI) and is an ISO 17025 accredited and FDA registered independent testing lab equipped to conduct chemical analysis on sexual products and the materials used to manufacture sexual products. PSI provides reliable data sets that give industry manufacturers and consumers confidence in the safety of their products. PSI also provides material identification and verification services to confirm products are being produced as required. Contact Polymer Solutions directly to discuss submission procedures and requirements.

Another lab that tests sex toys is Eurofins Toys and Hardlines, which has a laboratory network in Asia, Europe, and the U.S. They work with manufacturers to provide services that assist in meeting stringent quality and safety standards and regulations. They provide a helpful, free guide for those in the adult novelty industry: Safe Pleasure - A General Guide to Adult Toy Product Safety and Compliance.


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