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Work From Home
Understanding What It Really Takes & Avoid Scams

You have probably seen sex toy work from home ads all over the internet promising that you can be your own boss and make money. However, many of these are programs that force you to pay for sexual products that are cheaply made and downright embarrassing to try and sell. In addition, some programs promise websites and offer to submit it to the major search engines but fail to tell you that most template and turnkey adult novelty websites do not rank well if at all on the search engines as they are often seen as duplicate content. If you have considered working for or starting a sex toy party company, make sure to also read our Sex Toy Party Article with helpful insights into how that business really works and things you should know before you sign a contract with them.

Is it realistic to sell sex toys online or through parties and make a lot of money?

Yes, but you have to be well educated about how to do it as this is a highly competitive business that requires smart choices, dedication and the passion to make your sex toy business vision a reality. If you start your own sex toy party plan, use adult novelty wholesale or drop ship programs, wish to start your own sex toy line; it can feel downright overwhelming. Most people are not sure how to get started, what resources to use and how to get traffic and sales conversions which leaves them feeling lost and that there is no one to help them and that is where we come in as we provide the professional support and education that will most benefit you.

Marketing a sex toy website online is very challenging as many sites will flag your site as adult content and not allow you to post your information or even allow you to pay for advertising. Many people have the idea that when they market online they can just sell sex toys using the normal pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on search engines such as Google's Adwords, etc. which is extraordinarily high priced, highly competitive and simply does not convert to sales easily. Most people that attempt to sell sex toys online fail and waste a lot of money trying to do it. In fact, most of our clients tell us they wish they had used our services in the beginning before they threw money into things that simply did not work.

Selling sex toys through a brick and mortar store, sexuality workshops and sex toy parties, etc. also require being educated about the products, being able to offer competitive pricing and understanding how to avoid legal issues such as inadvertently practicing medicine by giving health advice or shipping restrictions on sexual products.

This can be a very rewarding business, but is more challenging than most:

  • Advertising a sexual business is much more challenging than a mainstream business. Most mainstream media outlets such as Facebook, blogs, online magazines, etc. do not allow adult content to be advertised through their businesses leaving those selling any type of sexual products, no matter how tame, out in the cold. That is why you must learn special techniques and tips on how to get low cost paid and free advertising for an adult themed business.

  • The competition is fierce. You will be competing with major well know retailers such as Amazon, Walgreens, Drugstore, etc. with consumers who are becoming much more savvy about sexual products and how to get them for less than what you need to charge in order to make a profit. You have to learn how to market to consumers in a way that not just closes the sale once but keeps them coming back as loyal customers.

  • You will need to be aware of the legal issues of selling sexual products such as what the legal definition of an adult novelty item is versus a medical device; what constitutes illegally practicing medicine when giving sex advice; state laws in regard to the sale of sex toys and much more.

  • You may be surprised at the social stigma that still exists by being involved in selling sexual products. Learning how to be taken seriously and respected can be challenging and requires strategy in marketing your business.

  • Customers have reduced trust for those that sell sexual products. Online businesses already have to work hard at convincing their potential customers that their information and products are safe and that the credit card transactions are secure. However, when you throw in anything that is related to adult content such as sexual products the trust that a potential customer has automatically falls. Not only is that potential consumer worried that their personal information and credit card information being safe, but they may also be worried about how discreet your shipping is, whether or not you are going to start spamming them with sexually explicit emails and if you will embarrass them by sending them pornographic catalogs and more. It is important that you learn how to address these customer concerns as it can mean the difference between making sales or going out of business.


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