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Insights for Sex Toy Manufacturers
How To Best Market Your Sexual Product(s)

If you are an aspiring or existing manufacturer of sexual products, you need to know what retailers, distributors, and consumers expect of you in terms of information regarding your product. Too often, these basic questions are left unanswered, leaving your product marketed in a manner that could be costing you sales. Let us review what many consumers and resellers of sexual products wish manufacturers knew and did consistently.

By Lisa S. Lawless, Ph.D.
Psychotherapist & Sexuality Expert

CEO & Founder of
Holistic Wisdom, Inc. & NAASAS

Choose Substance Over Hype

One of the most significant errors manufacturers make when communicating with consumers about their products is focusing on sensationalizing their products without providing any helpful information. Often you will see a product listed as the most amazing and revolutionary sexual product the world has ever known while being emphasized with a lot of sensual wording and exclamation points.

You want to entice a buyer, but when you do too much of this and do not include helpful and factual information about your product, you may be turning them off. Think about the salesperson that does well and whom you would recommend; they are warm and inviting, but more than that, they provide you with factual and helpful information to make the best decision based on your needs. The salesperson that does not fare well and whom you would not refer people to is the loud, obnoxious one telling you how amazing the product is that they want to get rid of and sell to you regardless of your needs while never answering any of your questions or concerns.

Whether someone is selling your product, such as a retailer or distributor, or you are making direct sales with consumers; it is crucial for you to provide specifics about your product beyond just the name of your product, how great it is, and what it is intended for concerning sexual activity, yet too often many manufacturers think that is enough.

It simply is not enough to convince most buyers, especially when you consider that sex toys are typically not able to be returned. Remember that consumers have to make their decisions based on the information you are providing them with. If all you have done is given them a bunch of hype, you may be losing sales because you have not done your job to convince them why your product will work for them.

After all, if you can't be bothered to provide basic information such as the materials your product is made out of, the dimensions of your product, or list if it requires batteries and indicate what type you are missing answering some of the first questions customers will be asking about them. Also, doing something like naming the color of a caucasian colored sex toy "flesh" but calling a black one "chocolate" is insulting to your customers. If you are doing any of these things, you have not thought through your marketing very well.

Retailers have a great deal of frustration working with manufacturers that do not provide the selling tools they need to sell their products well. Do you know what the top complaints of retailers are when it comes to selling manufacturer's products? We do! You should be supplying all of this information:

  • Excellent Packaging Imagery
  • Packaging Security (Safety Seals)
  • Sizing / Dimensions
  • PC Color Names
  • Power & Charging Information
  • Remote Control Information
  • Power Rating
  • Noise Level
  • Functions
  • Instructions
  • Travel Locks or Special Ways To Turn On & Off
  • Legal Agreements Plus MSRP & MAPs
  • Materials & Ingredients
  • Lubricants, Storage & Cleaning
  • Bodysafe & Green Marketing Points
  • Shipping & Release Dates
  • Quality Testing
  • Stand By Your Sellers & Consumers


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