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Compact for Safe Sexual Products
Making Sexual Products Safer for Consumers

Despite major loopholes in federal law that allow companies to use almost any ingredient or material in sexual products (even those that are known to cause harm to people and the environment), many responsible sexual product companies make safety a priority. By committing ourselves to making and selling safe sexual products, we further stimulate the creation of them through the competitive marketplace. Thus, protecting consumers and workers from toxins linked to cancer, reproductive dysfunction and other adverse health effects.

Sellers of Products
may participate by committing to the Compact for Safe Sexual Products-

  • Educate your consumers by listing the ingredients and materials in your products.

  • Promote nontoxic products and demonstrate to your consumers the added safety of healthier products.

may participate by committing to the Compact for Safe Sexual Products-

  • Fully disclose the ingredients and materials in your products. This also means that you disclose what is in vague ingredient descriptions such as the term fragrance; which may contain phthalates depending on what is in the fragrance.

  • When making products, ensure that to the best of your knowledge you use only nontoxic ingredients and err on the side of precautionary manufacturing (where if you are not sure, you simply avoid it).

Get Started Today-

In the interest of self-regulation, our hope is for the Compact to shift our industry toward safer sexual products. NAASAS is putting together a public directory of those sexual product manufacturers that make safe, nontoxic products. Consumers will soon be able to search for compliant signers of the Campaign for Safe Sexual Products. If you wish to be on this list, please contact us for more information.



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