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Business Services
For Established Businesses in the Adult Novelty Industry

NAASAS provides helpful resources for those who are already in business within the field of sexuality and the adult novelty industry. Below are examples of what we can do for your business and how we can empower your employees as well-

Educational Resources

For those that sell to retailers and other types of resellers, referring your customers/clients to NAASAS helps provide them with educational resources on how they can not only better sell products and services you sell to them but also assist them in creating and expanding their business, thereby growing yours.

You may also have your employees take courses, workshops, etc. which will expand their knowledge base and allow them to be better able to assist your customers/clients with higher satisfaction ratings.

NAASAS Members

Professional Directories

For those that sell to retailers and other types of resellers, listing your services with NAASAS helps bring in more customers for you as well as allows you to refer your existing customers/clients to helpful resources that can increase the sales of sexual products and services by enhancing their exposure to your products and services as a manufacturer, distributor and retailer as well as things such as professional content writing services, speakers for presentations, workshops, etc. Here experienced professionals will offer them assistance in building their business for prosperity and longevity. Again, by helping your customers/clients expand their business through such helpful resources it can grow yours.

These directories are also helpful to employees as they allow them to provide your customers/clients with easy to access referral information making your business shine.

Referrals to Your Business

You can list your business in our directories and let those who wish to sell your products/services know what you can do for them.

These services can be especially useful for those who operate an adult novelty manufacturing and/or distribution business as it provides amazing tools to help your customers sell more of your products.

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You must be a NAASAS Member to be listed on our public site.
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