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Professional Member Benefits
For the Field of Sexuality & Adult Novelty Industry

NAASAS provides established and aspiring professionals in the field of sexuality and adult novelty industry a variety of resources and services. Explore educational services that will advance your business and career-

Safe Sexual Product Campaign
Certification Program
Adult Industry Educational Services
NAASAS Safe Sexual Products Campaign is a coalition for safe and nontoxic sexual products, such as personal lubricants and sex toys. Chemicals and materials can adversely affect health and we represent businesses that are making positive efforts to provide education and safe products for consumers.
Explore a variety of education resources that are available for those in the adult novelty industry and the field of sexuality with regard to sexual products and beyond. If you provide a service, please see our education submission process for your services to be reviewed and featured here.
NAASAS members are eligible to sign up for and/or offer third party consulting, courses, workshops and educational materials that are designed to assist both aspiring and established professionals in the field of sexuality specifically in the field of adult novelties.
NAASAS Webinars
NAASAS Resources
Adult Industry Social Network
Want to teach a class to people all over the world or locally? NAASAS allows experts in the field of sexuality as well as the adult novelty industry to offer education in their field of expertise to other professionals and/or the general public
Explore resources in the field of sexuality and the adult novelty industry which can provide a variety of services for your business. Make your business the best it can be - get educated, get empowered!
NAASAS has a Facebook membership page where members are welcome to interact with one another and get updates on industry related news.
Resource Directories for the Adult Novelty Industry
Business Services
Enjoy finding the professionals you need through our online directory guide which provides a listing of the professional directories in the adult novelty industry.
If you already own an established business in the field of sexuality relating to the adult novelty industry in any capacity you will find that we provide wonderful professional resources to help you, your employees and your clients and customers.
As NAASAS members strive for excellence, we felt that we should reward those that stand out as shining examples as leaders in the adult industry. Members that meet such qualifications will be provided with awards to demonstrate their commitment to the field of sexuality.

How NAASAS Works

Network on Multiple Levels

Advance Education In Sexuality & Business

Improve Credibility & Impress Consumers

Find Educational Resources for Your Business

Receive Professional Discounts

Offer Your Expertise To Members


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This Site is for Adults Only