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NAASAS Academy Overview
How the NAASAS Academy Works

Once you are enrolled, you will be provided with access to the NAASAS Academy website, which will provide you with detailed instructions and guidelines on how to complete your courses and submit them for grading along with the NAASAS student handbook. All classes are home study and are at a college level with required text books and exams. The best part is that any NAASAS member may apply as there are no prerequisites to take these courses.

Self-Paced Study

We understand that many of our members who enroll in the NAASAS Academy have busy schedules and will enjoy our independent study format which is an extraordinarily flexible program that works with any schedule. Therefore, instead of quarters or semesters, students may enroll at any time, and progress at their own pace with up to 12 months to complete their certification. Students will become a certified graduate as soon as they successfully fulfill course requirements.


In order to successfully receive individual certifications or graduate from our Certification Programs, students must receive at least 80% on exams. Anyone who receives a lower grade will be given an opportunity to repeat the exam.

Text Books

As many of our students are already well versed in the field of sexuality, we will provide a list of the books that are required for examinations once you sign up. If you already have any of the text books that are required, we will not require you to repurchase them. Rather, we will send you the exam that goes to the course you are taking.

Required text book costs are not included in tuition. NAASAS does not sell the required text books directly; rather, required text books are purchased on where we have arranged for our required books to be offered for sale. NAASAS does this so that students may choose to buy the Kindle, paperback, hard copy version or even decide if they want to get a used copy of the text book to save money. Most of our text books are also eligible for free shipping on Amazon. The required books for each certification program are outlined on the NAASAS Academy student website once enrolled.

Exam Requirements

We will provide students with detailed directions on how to complete their exams once enrolled. However, we wanted to provide you with a general overview so that you can understand how the certification courses and the NAASAS Certification Program works-

Once enrolled each student is sent access to the password protected NAASAS Academy website where the books and exam workbooks that are required for the the certification are made available. Each certification has multiple text books and some have additional study materials that must be reviewed before the student may take an open book exam for each course.

Once an exam is complete it is emailed back to the NAASAS Academy to be graded. Once the exam is graded you will be mailed your grade. If you receive a passing grade on all of your courses, you will be mailed a certificate for the completed certification program. If you do not pass you will be afforded another opportunity to retake the exam(s) that you have not passed until you do.

Is the NAASAS Academy an Accredited Program?

While the the NAASAS Academy Certification program is a college level program we are not currently accredited. However, we will be exploring having our Academy become accredited through the state as our courses expand and adult organization grows.

Transfer of Courses to other Schools

As our courses are extremely specialized, NAASAS certification courses are not currently eligible for transfer to other schools as they are not offered elsewhere.

Transfer of Credits from Other Schools

Again, as our courses are so specialized, NAASAS is not able to accept transfers of credits from other college courses.

Can NAASAS Academy Be Claimed On Your Taxes?

The IRS has very strict guidelines for making deductions when it comes to educational expenses, so be sure to read Publication 970, "Business Deductions for Work-Related Education." In general, employers can deduct employee educational expenses if the courses maintain or improve job-related skills, or if employees need the education to continue in their current job.

If you are self-employed, you may also write off some educational expenses. You cannot write off educational expenses that train you in a new field. As tax regulations and requirements are often changing with each tax year, you should ask your tax preparer if this is something that you can do and how to do it to avoid any errors in filing.



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