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Applying to NAASAS
What You Receive Once You Join

Once you apply to become a NAASAS member and are approved, you will be sent a welcome email as well with a printable certificate of membership demonstrating your membership along with more information to help you access all of your member benefits.

Depending on your membership level you or your company may have access to all of our educational resources, and have permission to list your services, educational events such as webinars, workshops and more through our member social network as well as be listed in one of our directories and be featured under our member benefits section.

If you have any questions or concerns make sure to read our FAQs section or contact us as we are happy to assist you.

NAASAS Member Benefits


NAASAS lapel pins may be worn at trade shows and other professional events as well as consumer parties and demonstrations.

New Members Receive

Lisa S. Lawless, Ph.D.
NAASAS Founder


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