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Sexual Health & Wellness
Educational Resources for Professionals in the Field of Sexuality

Below you will find some helpful educational resources for professionals in the field of sexuality that provide degrees or certification programs.
IASHS- Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality
Institute for Advanced Study
of Human Sexuality
Council for Relationships
The American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) is a professional organization for sexuality focused educators, counselors and therapists. They offer Professional Members as well as a certification program, conferences, community forums and much more. IASHS is an academic graduate program which focuses on Human Sexuality and offers professional degree programs and certificate courses. IASHS is located in San Francisco, CA, and is fully approved by the State of California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education. Requirements for admission are a Bachelor's degree or equivalent. A minimum of 2-3 weeks per trimester is required to be spent at the Institute the rest can be done at home. Tuition is over $7,000.00 per trimester with additional fees for examinations. The Council for Relationships based in Pennsylvania offers a post-graduate certificate program in sex therapy for postgraduate clinicians such as psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, physicians, etc. On-Site Training Classes and supervision are conducted Wednesdays from September through May.
The New School for Erotic Touch
Passion University
Intimate Hypnosis
Training Center
New School of
Erotic Touch
Hypnosis for Sex Problems, Pleasure & Intimacy (HSPPI) located in Albany, CA offers a hypnosis training program in sexology for sexual problems, pleasure and intimacy along with training from the National Guild of Hypnotists. This online school provides Sexological Hypnotist certification. Courses range from $2,100.00 - $2,500.00 NSET was founded by Joseph Kramer Ph.D. of the Erospirit Research Institute in Oakland, CA. This school offers a video based program where one watches sexual health related videos in order to receive certification. It can be applied to sexual health professionals, however, it is also available for consumers. P.U. of Hayward, California offers a program in Tantra & Sexuality as well as other programs such as Relationships & Communications and holistic focused teachings. Specifically in the field of sexuality they offer a Passion Coaching Certificate Program which covers genital massage, anatomy and physiology of human sexuality, psychology, personal, interpersonal, and transpersonal dimensions of sexual experiences, sex and society, sexual counseling and treatment. This course has both online and in-person classes.
Sex Coach U
Kink Academy
PESI, Inc.
SCU was founded by Dr. Patti Britton and Dr. Robert Dunlap and offers sex coach training & credentialing using home study and virtual education with additional certification from their association the World Association of Sex Coaches. The program offers 10 Courses which must be completed within 1 year with tuition and books just over $1500.00. Kink Academy uses sexual education videos to teach both adult consumers and professionals about the world of Kink (BDSM, Dominance & submission, etc.) Relationships (Polyamory, Swinging, Communication, Gender Awareness, etc.) Sensuality (Massage & Sensual Touch, Kissing, Strap-On Play, etc.) Health & Wellness (Anatomy for BDSM, Safer Sex, Aging, Sexual Addiction, Legal Concerns, etc.) Some of the videos are free while others require payment. PESI is a mental health focused nonprofit organization which provides continuiing education for therapists, nurses, physicians, etc. They provide live seminars, conferences, research materials on relationships, sexual health and more.
San Francisco Sex Information
San Francisco
Sex Information
San Francisco Sex Information offers educational resources for Sex Educator Training Classes through a unique class on human sexuality twice each year with basic sex information, communication and education skills, and personal insight.
Loveology University® offers a curriculum with over 300 hours of online educational courses for the Certified Love Coach program, approved by AASECT for CE credits towards ACS membership. They offer mentoring, entrepreneurial kits, certified Relationship Coach & Master Sexpert courses on love, intimacy & human sexuality.



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